Let me guess you want to have a partner who...
Communicates with you so that you can have a healthy relationship together.
Shows you affection and unconditional love that brings peace and happiness to your life.
Understands what it means to have an equal partnership so you feel trusting and respected.
Treats you good by buying you gifts and taking you to beautiful destinations (love-bombing).
Makes you feel on top of the world one day, then the next you’re confused because you feel like you’re walking on eggshells.
Plays the cat and mouse game where they start devaluing you and criticizing you by pointing all your faults.
But in reality
You were told by your partner that you were “crazy” for feeling anxious.
You were told it was your fault he/she was acting like a jerk.
They were charming and sweet… at first.
You were told you weren’t really a supportive partner, when you really were giving it your all.
You feel like your whole world is crashing down before your eyes.
You start thinking maybe you’re the problem in the relationship.
You start to think maybe you need to do “MORE” in the relationship to be happy and secure.
Let’s be honest, the highs and lows seem to be attracting you and have you stuck in this pattern.
You start feeling self-conscious, insecure, and hurt.
Then, they re-bomb you with loving messages, telling you they love you and you are the only one they think about.
You start to have hope for this person and your future with them.
You become giddy and on top of the world (again).
Until they devalue you AGAIN.
You pour so much into one person that you distance yourself from your family and close friends. In the meantime things start to suffer at work because you’re not able to concentrate since you're spending so much energy trying to understand your relationship.
It’s a vicious cycle of emotional abuse.
You’re not crazy. And you are definitely not alone.
Sound Familiar? Read on…

I know how exhausting it is to walk on eggshells because you feel like your relationship is one sided.
It was easier to walk out of a toxic relationship once I identified the red flags.
But it was a long journey and much more difficult to recover from it.The cat and mouse game was killing my confidence each day.
The hope I was holding onto was making me feel worse.
Each day was a struggle and a learning experience.
I couldn’t tell anyone what I was going through because I felt ashamed and didn’t want to admit the truth
I was in denial that they would change… if they loved me enough.
After suffering from narcissistic abuse for many years I realized there was a pattern I couldn’t stop. I started working with a therapist and they were able to help me identify what was really going on.
My own journey was difficult but much needed. It took time and I DID IT! I have since reprogrammed myself stop the pattern of toxic relationships.
And now my purpose is to coach you through the destruction created by this same type of abuse so you can heal from the pain and build a better life.
Healing from Narcissist Abuse
This process takes time, patience, and support by practicing self-worth, compassion, and forgiveness.
At the end of our work together you will feel confident, secure and whole again.
We are going to rewrite your story. It's time to THRIVE and REBUILD!
Cycle of Narcissism
Learning Red Flags of Narcissistic behavior so you can identify the destructive patterns and break them.
You will understand why you feel special one minute and totally devalued the next and how you can break free!
Identifying Narcissistic traits that will help you understand the cycle of abuse and create awareness.
Identifying Unhealthy Patterns
Learning the supply and demand of a narcissist will empower you to be less prone to being sucked into the cycle.
Learning the attachment styles will help you understand how you are with your partner
Recognizing limiting beliefs so you understand why it is not your fault
Breaking these unhealthy patterns will lead to making healthier decisions
Learning to set meaningful boundaries with yourself
Recognizing your childhood patterns will help you identify why you are in this relationship.
A survivalist guide
Learning how to love yourself will give you self-respect so you won’t accept less than what you deserve in a partner.
Coping Mechanisms will help you take back your power
Up-leveling your confidence will lead you to success with your work and business so you can create healthier relationships
Manifesting your wants and desires to continue the journey of self love

What’s Included
50-minute 1:1 coaching session via zoom
Guided meditations
Red Flag Assessment Profile
Printable worksheets
Journal Prompts
6 weeks: $1,500
12 weeks $2,750

Why work with me
As a narcissistic abuse survivor myself, I understand the struggle of learning to love yourself and feeling confused and lost.
After creating a life built for me to thrive, my purpose is to help you overcome the pain. As your coach, I will guide you stop the self-sabotaging behaviors and patterns so you can uplevel your confidence and open the path to positive relationships. Together we will navigate through the challenges of transformation so you can manifest a new reality.